Anthony Farm
Cat's Meow, lot 2020CM18
This hemp was grown in polytunnel hoop houses from April to harvest in August.
Dried in reduced light polytunnels, it dried fast without mold issues,
although some of the gentle sweet lemon scent left with the moisture.
Still a good base of diesel and musk, with some sharp lemony-grapefruit notes still
hanging around. Submitted for potentency testing, coming back at 8% CBD.
is what was submitted, and here are the
test results.
How to use hemp
- Decarboxylate it to make the cannabinoids biologically active.
Easy to do! Just heat the hemp for 35 min in an oven set at 245 degrees F.
- Incorporate the decarboxylated product into edibles like brownies,
cookies, or use it like a spice where an earthy musk would
complement the dish. Blends into curry well. Make sure to weigh out an approprate
dose using a sensitive scale, thinking about the potency of what you're using.
- Make your own extract at home to stimulate your economy!
Take your decarboxylated hemp, mix with 100g coconut oil per 10g biomass
(feel free to adjust based on potency of hemp), add to a slow cooker, and heat on the
lowest setting for 3 hours. I've seen some extracts add water to make sure the
temperature never goes over the boiling point of water. After 3 hours strain
the plant material out, and let the oil cool. If you added water, you can cool in the
fridge, and when the oil is solid you can remove it and pat dry. Great for adding to
food, or topical applications. Nice.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Feelings? Send an email to "hello" at this domain.